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Want your kids to be better problem solvers?

Get them to engage with and create art for just 20 minutes a day!

According to child development experts at Johns Hopkins University, art helps kids build skills like executive function, memory, and emotional regulation. Plus, it’s fun and doesn’t have to cost a lot.

Now, you might be thinking, “But I’m not artistic, and I don’t want my kid to end up as a starving artist!” Well, fear not. Engaging with art doesn’t have to mean enrolling your kids in expensive classes or buying them fancy art supplies. It can be as simple as going outside and looking at the clouds, finding pictures in the shapes or doodling on a scrap piece of paper.

So, whether it’s finding pictures in the clouds or watching TV shows that prioritize storytelling or visiting a museum, make sure your kids have some space to be creative every day. After all, we’re wired to express ourselves!

And if you need one more reason to get your kids to engage with art, how about this: it can be a great source of laughter and joy! In fact, here’s a joke for you:

“Why was the math book sad?”
“Because it had too many problems!”

So, go ahead and get your kids to create some art. It might just make them better problem solvers, and it will definitely make them happier!

Ideas matter!
Nurture them


Why is it important to nurture and get kids creative for 20 minutes a day so they will become better at critical thinking?

Draw & Pass: Engaging the Family in a Thrilling Artistic Exchange

Speed Sketch Repeat: A dynamic drawing game where you sketch within a time limit, then repeat on the same paper. Push your creativity, embrace imperfection, and watch your art evolve. It’s a celebration of experimentation, spontaneity, and growth. Perfect for family gatherings or solo adventures, this fast-paced game brings laughter and friendly competition.

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